God has blessed you with the most precious gift, your child!

We know you are looking for an environment with loving hearts, warm smiles, gentle hands, and a program that will help your child achieve his or her next level of school readiness.
This is the foundation for their future success. Our preschool is designed so that your child is safe, loved and motivated to learn. We are dedicated to teaming up with families so you will know how your child is growing: spiritually, mentally, emotionally, socially and developmentally.

At StoneBridge Christian Academy, our caring teachers and staff are united in our goal:

“In partnership with families, we will teach children about the love of Jesus Christ, laying a foundation for a hopeful future by training hearts hands and minds in a nurturing environment.”

Children learning, laughing, loving and growing are key ingredients of what is happening to the hearts, minds and souls at StoneBridge Christian Academy. Each classroom is equipped with age-appropriate curriculum and materials that are designed to meet the needs of your child. We believe that each child learns in many different ways and at their own pace. Our program meets both environmental and interactional needs of young children and we pride ourselves on providing a multi-intelligence approach to learning.

The early years of your child’s life are the most important. Your child is important to us, and our standards are high. Qualified teachers and love for Christ will help prepare your child for a wonderful future. StoneBridge Christian Academy strives to go the “extra mile” to plant a seed, and we are excited to watch it grow.

I look forward to getting to know you and your family!

Katie Pasley Barrowman, M.Ed
StoneBridge Christian Academy Owner/Director